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Hungarian IT tools for education to be updated soon under New Széchenyi Plan2011. szeptember 13.

Over HUF 10 billion will be provided from the New Széchenyi Plan to Hungarian public education institutions for IT infrastructure developments. Approximately 400 tenders are expected to receive support from these funds, which therefore may significantly encourage life-long learning and improve conformity to the latest labour market trends and requirements.

The planned tender under the New Széchenyi Plan will greatly contribute to the modernization of IT tools in public education institutions enabling them to respond to the challenges of the 21st century. The project is primarily aimed to provide life-long learning and competitive skills in the labour market. To gain competitive knowledge, it is essential to have and operate a comprehensive and modern IT infrastructure at each level of public education.

The social consultation in connection with the call for applications ended on 12 September 2011. The feedbacks received so far are quite positive and welcome the accomplishment of the IT based language studio and the opportunity to use interactive boards.

The New Széchenyi Plan closely focuses on the maintenance of equal opportunities that will be ensured by the measurement-assessment system included in this tender (SIOP 1.1.1-11). This method tailors education to individual abilities bridging the gap to socially disadvantaged students.

Apart from the Region of Central Hungary (Budapest, Pest County), all the public institutions may submit an application. Future beneficiaries will include primary schools, vocational schools, secondary grammar schools, technical schools of trade, foundations and churches.

For instance, education institutes may procure computers, monitors, interactive interfaces, screens and projectors, but training may be further enhanced by means of laptops, devices for wireless internet access, as well as IT language studios.

The subsidy is expected to be non-refundable and cover all the eligible costs of the project. Tenderers may apply for amounts between HUF 5 and 200 million.

The New Széchenyi Plan programme aims to promote Hungary’s emergence and recovery. It focuses on the dynamic expansion of employment, strengthening the entrepreneurial sector and facilitating permanent economic growth.

Details are available from 14 January 2011 on