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Faster and more comfortable tendering system2011. augusztus 30.

The NDA will introduce paper-free online tendering system as of 1 September. The new service aims at giving rapid information online, instead of the time-consuming paper-based communication and correspondence.

Documents will not be sent by mail, but tenderers will receive online messages about decisions and notifications. The decisions and other information may be accessed by logging in the Single Monitoring Information System (SMIS).

Advantages of the online information system:

- fast flow of information: tenderers can read the information on the SMIS platform 10-30 minutes after the decision or the notification was made;

- access to information without constraints: tenderers can check their tendering documents online from anywhere, any time without constraints;

- faster decision making process: tenderers can respond to notifications faster allowing for faster decision making;

- cost-efficiency: paper, printing and postal costs can be saved in the case of certain notification types.

Vice President of Innovation and IT of NDA, Gábor Dányi said that the system of prompt notifications would be introduced first in the decision-preparation phase in respect of the New Széchenyi Plan.

Tenderers will primarily be contacted through the interactive Tenderers’ Information Interface (TINT), which can be accessed from NDA’s website with a unique password. The password for the Tenderers’ Information Interface will be provided to the tenderers in a notification sent by the institution system confirming acceptance of the tender. The NDA, taking advantage of the online system, considerably improved the scope of notifications serving the information and convenience of tenderers, including a new service of sending reminders before the deadline of submitting supplementary information and clarifications expire.

During the preparation of decisions the institution will send most of the letters and notifications online. There are two exceptions only: the decision on the acceptance of the application, which includes the password for the SMIS TINT; and the decision on the rejection of the application failing to comply with the acceptance criteria.

Tenderers will also receive requests for providing supplementary information online. The NDA will remind tenderers online before the deadline of providing supplementary information and confirm the receipt of such information. The same procedure will be used for clarification mails. Online notifications will also be sent if the application has been evaluated, decision on acceptance or rejection has been made, and if NDA acknowledged Applicant’s withdrawal from the tender.

Tenderers are to provide further information during the preparation of decisions in two cases: when supplementary information or clarification is necessary:

- In case a tenderer is to provide supplementary information to the institution system, the documents will have to be submitted by mail, as indicated in the online notification.

- In case clarification is requested, responds should be submitted online, through the Tenderers’ Information Interface.

‘We are hopeful that the implementation of electronic or online tendering will make the spread of information easier, faster and simpler, producing a more efficient tendering system,’ said Vice President Gábor Dányi.

The National Development Agency has been continuously working on developing the tendering system, in particular, speeding up decision-making and payment procedures, and establishing a client-oriented, tenderer-friendly operation.