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Implementation of New Széchenyi Plan continued2011. július 27.

In the project for the reconstruction of residential buildings and their surroundings 153 applications were awarded support based on the decision of 11 July 2011 in the total value of HUF 326 million for the reconstruction of one-channel collector (thermophore) chimneys.

The Ministry of National Development also considers it highly important that the number of CO poisoning accidents should be decreased, and uses all means to contribute to the fulfilment of this aim. Accordingly, on the decision of the Minister for National Development, all applications that meet the formal and content requirements and were submitted before 30 October 2010 in the frame of the Project of the reconstruction of one-channel collector (thermophore) chimneys for the reconstruction of dangerous one-channel collecting chimneys, will receive subsidy.

The decision on the subsidy concerns 153 applications with 4395 flats, making 1020 chimneys safer.

The subsidies will be paid following approval of the final reports after the accomplishment of the investments.

The Ministry of National Development warns tenderers that apart from the funded reconstruction of chimneys, the most important way of decreasing accident risk is to properly operate, regularly maintain and check the heaters and pipes connected to chimneys. Therefore, the Ministry kindly asks flat owners, maintainers and operators to duly check stoves, boilers and chimneys every year.

The Ministry of the National Development is also planning to launch another tender for the reconstruction of one-channel collector (thermophore) chimneys.