NFÜ Nemzeti
Fejlesztési Ügynökség


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Infovonal: 06 40 638-638 Telefonos menürendszer

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Abuses in the name of the National Development Agency2011. szeptember 8.

Unknown perpetrators are committing fraudulent abuses in the name of the National Development Agency and its Intermediate Bodies. This was not the first case that there had been an abuse with the name of the National Development Agency and with the EU-tenders. As previously, the Agency has reported the case to the police again. The unknown perpetrators have forged documents to deceive the tenderers, through which they allegedly gained financial benefits. The National Development Agency warns tenderers in order to prevent the reoccurrence of such events.

Unknown perpetrators forged decisions on approval and supply agreements to deceive the tenderers and probably caused substantial financial damage. In order to prevent similar cases, the National Development Agency warns tenderers to be careful and cautious about the intention and the submission of their application.

Tenderers should check their file number and other details in their communication and correspondence documents received through mail from the Intermediate Bodies or the Agency as previous abuses and forgeries concerned such data. Tenderers can check their details on the information interface at

There are non-existing projects behind the fake tender opportunities or tenders unavailable in the specific region.

Unfortunately, in some cases fake subsidy decisions were issued to small enterprises which had not even intended to participate on the tender, and thus did not submit any application previously.

Therefore, tenderers employing a tendering counsel or an intermediate person are advised to check the information on the relevant company's website. Furthermore, it is worth visiting the company's office personally or check if they are enlisted in the Registry of Companies. The Registry of Companies is a free database available on the internet at Recently, some fake advisors have appeared around potential tenderers, who are either subjected to liquidation procedure or operate as non-existent companies. 

We kindly ask tenderers to be cautious with tendering advisors or intermediaries to prevent further crimes and damage. Should you have any information about such deceiving or fraudulent behaviour, please, contact the local police.

Abuses and irregularities regarding EU-projects can also be reported through the National Development Agency’s information website at