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Nearly HUF 80 billion for energy tenders since June 2010 under New Széchenyi Plan2011. október 19.

Within the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan, HUF 54 billion have been awarded to energy efficiency developments and the promotion of renewable energy use since the change of government.

“This assistance has generated a total order value of HUF 93 billion in the market. A further 23 billion were made available through the New Széchenyi Plan Green Investment Scheme, providing the construction industry with orders of HUF 45 billion,” said János Bencsik, State Secretary for Climate and Energy Affairs at the symposium of the CEP-Expo Clean Energy & Passivehouse Exhibition and Conference on 19 October 2011. 

The state secretary also reported on the New Széchenyi Plan Environment and Energy Operational Programme (EEOP), stating that the government had allocated HUF 29 billion for building energy performance developments, HUF 21 billion for promoting renewable energy use, HUF 3.5 billion for upgrading district heating and HUF 700 million for the modernisation of public lighting. 

In this round, the most assistance (HUF 31.7 billion) went to institutions. Business companies receiving HUF 19 billion of the fund included a high number of SMEs which beneficiary group received HUF 14 billion. The ratio of assistance excluding institutions was less than 45%, so more than a forint of market sources was available for every forint of assistance.

Under the Green Investment Scheme, financed from emissions trading, the government provides more than HUF 23 billion subsidy for residential energy efficiency programmes. In accordance with promises made in the spring, in addition to the present HUF 13.2 billion another 1.63 billion will be allocated to winning housing communities of the energy modernisation programme for panel houses, the so called Panel Programme. In October, a tender opportunity with a HUF 2.97 billion budget was announced for the purchase and installation of solar panels, and November will see another call for tenders regarding single-flue collector chimneys with a HUF 530 million budget. During the summer, a HUF 1.6 billion sample tender was announced for the construction of energy efficient new homes.

‘Thanks to the recently signed agreements on the implementation of the EEA and Norwegian Financing Mechanisms, HUF 2.3 billion will be available for improving energy efficiency of buildings, HUF 2.1 billion for renewable energy development and awareness raising, and HUF 1.9 billion for adaptation to climate change until 2016,’ said the state secretary.

He also pointed out that the Government’s new Home Creation Programme has also adopted energy efficiency and environmental protection as guiding principles. In accordance with this, the allowance of the welfare assistance programme to be reintroduced soon will be proportional to the energy efficiency of the building. Beneficiaries building energy efficient homes receive increased state aid. From 1 January 2012, residential buildings will also be required to have an energy performance certificate.

János Bencsik mentioned the upcoming modification of the regulations defining building energy performance criteria. With the more stringent criteria the new regulation aims to decrease the amount of energy spent on heating, cooling, venting, lighting, domestic hot water, to reduce CO2 emissions and thus improve environmental conditions.

Forty percent of all energy is used in buildings, of which less than one third conforms to modern insulation and heating technology standards. János Bencsik highlighted the fact that the Government is ambitious to reduce energy used on heating by 30% until 2030. The implementation of the programmes can result in the permanent reduction of overhead costs and a 15 million ton, in other words 40% reduction of national carbon dioxide emissions.

‘Now that the Government has assigned several public tasks to the state, it becomes especially important for the Government to set a good example by managing public institutions with due care. With lower energy costs, more resources can be spent for example on education and health care financing. Building energy performance developments can substantially help the employment of rural areas as well. In order to ensure the successful completion of tasks awaiting the state in accordance with development policy, we suggest the large-scale redistribution of EU sources,’ said János Bencsik.