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HUF 3 billion solar energy project launched2011. október 12.

‘Within the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan Green Development Scheme, the Ministry of National Development announced a call for tenders with a budget of HUF 2.97 billion for the purchase and installation of solar thermal collectors to provide domestic hot water and heating support: The financial background is provided from the income of carbon emission trading,’ announced János Bencsik, State Secretary for Climate and Energy Affairs on 12 October 2011 in Kaposvár.

Applications may be submitted by individuals and block houses with up to 12 flats for the purchase and installation of multifunctional solar thermal collectors to provide domestic hot water, heating, the combination of the two. Applicants can be private persons or. Eligible activities include, regardless of the residential building’s construction technology, the installation of solar collectors and their accessories as well. The application provides 50% of the investment value, but the maximum assistance is HUF 800 000 per household. The cost of installation must not exceed 30% of the amount eligible for assistance. The installed solar collector system must be integrated into the heating and hot water systems already present in the building and must be operable all year round.

János Bencsik pointed out that only companies registered with ÉMI Non-profit Limited Liability Company for Quality Control and Innovation in Building can install systems aimed at CO2 emission reduction and the raising of energy efficiency in buildings. The companies can register at

The assistance is always non-refundable ex-post financing. Applications can be submitted between 25 October and 31 December 2011, subject to availability of the budget. The assessment of applications is carried out periodically, in the order of submission. The call for application will be available from 12 October 2011 at, with the manual, annexes and other relevant information made available continuously. Materials are also available on the EMI website (