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New horizons – complex developments for better vocational training2011. október 20.

The new training workshop of the Alapy Gaspár Vocational Secondary School, Technical School and Dormitory of Komárom-Esztergom County Government was ceremonially opened in Komárom. The new workshop is a shining example of technical education, which is considered to be the engine of economic development. The workshop not only saw developments in learning environment, but renovation of old and the purchase of new tools and machines as well.

At the opening ceremony of the workshop, which was established within the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan, Hungarian President of the Republic Pál Schmitt cut the national tricolour ribbon. Speeches were delivered by Pál Vörner, Special Secretary of the Ministry of National Development and Attila Molnár, Mayor of Komárom.

The total EU assistance of HUF 850 million was received through a tender handed in by the Komárom-Eszergom TISZK (Regional Integrated Vocational Educational Centre). The primary goal of the project was to ensure modern and adequate infrastructure for cost-efficient vocational and adult education.

Founded in 2008, the Komárom-Eszergom TISZK includes the local government operated schools of Esztergom and Kisbér, which nearly 5000 students attend. This makes it one of the largest new vocational training centres of the region.
Vocational groups were created in such a way as to allow disadvantaged youths and adults, among others, to acquire training in transport, mechanics, tourism and marketing. Such training is of high importance in the Kisbér micro-region, as it is classified as underdeveloped. Training is paramount to speed up development and further the chances and opportunities of employees. The goal of TISZK-KEM is to establish an effective vocational training structure, which raises the number of drop-outs returning to training from 20 to 55, and raises the percentage of those finding work in marketable professions to 80%.

The EU co-financed project also saw the renovation of the fire safety and electric network, sanitation and heating system as well. An elevator was installed next to the main entrance and the entire building was made accessible for disabled people. A new floor was added to the already existing workshop: 5 classrooms, 2 hairdressers, 1 tailoring and 2 dressmakers workshops were added, along with bathrooms, toilets, showers and 1 disabled toilet. The already existing ground floor and first floor were also renovated.

The total cost of this investment exceeds HUF 237 million. The methodology developments are already under way in the applicant institutions, running within the framework of the Social Renewal Operational Programme.