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Another HUF 2.16 billion for heating upgrade of panel houses and renovation of thermoform chimneys2011. október 10.

In accordance with promises made in the spring, the government will reallocate funds to provide additional HUF 1.63 billion to winning panel housing applications assessed in the spring, and will provide announce a call for tenders with a budget of HUF 530 million for single-flue collector chimney renovations.

Due to the unfixed assistance budget of the previous government and the late closing of applications, the Green Investment Scheme Climate Friendly Home Panel Sub-programme saw such a large number of applications in 2009 that the amount of assistance required exceeded the available resources by HUF 14 billion.

When the Ministry for National Development took over the Green Investment Scheme in January 2011, it worked hard on assessing registered applications and speed up investment implementation. Within the framework of the GIS Panel Sub-programme II, 228 applications were approved on 7 April 2011, raising the total of approved applications to 244 in this period and awarding HUF 13.2 billion in assistance. The assistance will help the energetic upgrade of 23,495 housing units, which generates an investment of HUF 28 billion in the industry.

In accordance with the government’s decision, applications which had been submitted under the previous government’s uncovered call for applications and had met both formal and content requirements were not rejected. Pursuant to the decision, sources that become available under the GIS and additional sources provided by income from emission trading provide the funds necessary for approval of applications and signing of contracts. In light of the currently available HUF 1.63 billion, the applications accepted under the GIS Panel II Sub-program can undergo the decision preparation process, and applicants may receive notification of approval by November 2011. The provision of funds makes the renovation of another 3200 housing units possible, providing nearly 8000 people with a more comfortable living environment. The assistance generates nearly HUF 3.3 billion in investment in the industry and lowers CO2 emissions by nearly 4086 tons per year. Further signing of assistance contracts is conditional to further income.

Thanks to the additional reallocation of funds, the government can announce another call for applications in November 2011 under the ‘Assisting the renovation of residential buildings and their surroundings’ appropriation, allocating HUF 530 million for the renovation of single-flue collector chimneys (thermoform chimneys).

The ministry considers the reduction of carbon monoxide related accidents very important. In accordance with this, the decision of the minister for national development is the basis for the call for applications and will likely affect 3500 flats and make 900 chimneys safe.

Next to chimney renovations from application assistance, the reduction of the risk of accidents requires proper operation, regular maintenance and inspection of furnaces and exhaust vents.