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Installed performance of photovoltaic solar panels increased thirteen times through New Széchenyi Plan support2011. október 11.

Within the framework of the winning renewable energy tenders of the New Széchenyi Plan, 11.5 megawatt nominal performance solar panels are being installed by local government and state institutions, as well as small enterprises. “The beneficiaries will produce 14 GWh of electricity and reduce carbon emissions by 11,900 tonnes every year,” said János Bencsik, State Secretary for Climate and Energy Affairs on 11 October 2011, at the opening of the solar panel facility at Haláp.

The investor EURÓ-ÉPKER Llc. was awarded HUF 164.2 million assistance to build the photovoltaic system. The facility houses 2016 solar panels, with a nominal performance exceeding 450 kW. It will allow for the production of 600,000 to 650,000 kWh of renewable energy per year.

The state secretary pointed out that, according to recent data, 151 new solar panel projects are being launched within the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan’s green economy development chapter. The amount of approved grants totals to nearly HUF 7000 million. The average installed performance of the solar panel projects is 75.9 kWh, with the largest facility being constructed in Szeged with capacity exceeding 2.5 MW.

He also noted as a reminder that the total capacity of installed solar panels in Hungary at the end of 2010 was less than 1 MW. The amount solar generated electricity in 2010 was 0.85 GWh, which meant only 0.029% of total renewable electricity production. Upon completion of the assisted solar panel projects, the installed electricity capacity will increase thirteen times compared to 2010.

János Bencsik reiterated that Hungary’s Renewable Energy Utilisation Action Plan is a key programme in reaching our strategic goals, creating a sustainable, efficient and cheap energy structure, the renewal of Hungarian economy and the raising of employment.  However, this document does not provide solutions on its own. A predictable investment environment is needed as well, so the preparations of the new aid scheme were completed.

The state secretary also mentioned that the government is expected to debate the mandatory renewable and alternative energy purchasing scheme (METÁR) in late October. The new purchasing scheme intends to introduce different purchasing prices for different technology types and producer size categories.