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New aid scheme should acknowledge social utility of biogas production2011. október 13.

‘The renewable energy purchase system that is being prepared acknowledges the social utility of biogas power plants producing both heat and electricity, and provides more predictable purchase assistance guaranteeing a safer investment climate,’ said János Bencsik, State Secretary for Climate and Energy Affairs upon his visit to the only Hungarian sugar factory in Kaposvár on 12 October 2011.

According to Mr. Bencsik, the by-products of agriculture, food industry and especially livestock processing are more efficient and economical from a national economy perspective if used to create energy. Creating useful energy from organic waste requires expensive technology, which therefore requires the careful choosing of locations and ensuring the efficient use of generated heat energy. The new aid scheme will reward the creation of combined production with the introduction of a ‘heat bonus’. The duration of the purchase assistance will be 15 years according to plan, but to ensure the competitiveness of biogas producers, a ‘brown tariff’ will be introduced after the expiry of the assistance.

János Bencsik called the developments undertaken by Magyar Cukor Ltd exemplary, which will make the company self-sufficient in terms of energy within a few years. The New Széchenyi Plan provided HUF 630 million in assistance for the building of two new fermenters. The investment will protect the climate as well, reducing the facility’s carbon emissions by 16,000 tonnes per year.

‘The developments are aligned with the heating of the institutions in Kaposvár, as the biogas produced in the sugar factory will give the basis of the heat supply of the nearby swimming pool and baths, as well as the football stadium in the future,’ said Károly Szita, Mayor of Kaposvár.

When visiting the new manufacturing workshop of Lakics Llc., János Bencsik emphasized that the National Energy Strategy approved last week by the government prescribes the development of an energy innovation and industrial development plan. The government wishes to provide opportunities to national developers and manufacturers in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy as well. This is why the New Széchenyi Plan supports SMEs.