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Hungary, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein signing agreements on new period of EEA Financing Mechanism and Norwegian Fund14 October 2011

The representatives of Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Hungary jointly signed the agreements which allocate approximately HUF 40 billion to Hungary, in the Royal Waiting Room of Gödöllő railway station. The European Economic Area (EEA) and Norwegian Financing Mechanisms agreements give assistance to priority initiatives of Hungarian-Norwegian cooperation in areas such as environmental protection, a new fund for Hungarian NGOs, and scientific research.

The agreements were signed on behalf of the Donor States by H.E. Siri Ellen Sletner, Norwegian Ambassador to Hungary, and H.E. Stefán Skjaldarson, Iceland’s Ambassador to Hungary. On behalf of Hungary, the agreements were signed by Dr. Tamás Iván Kovács, Deputy State Secretary for EU and International Relations of the Ministry of National Development.

The official signing ceremony took place at the Royal Waiting Room of Gödöllő railway station, which was restored to its original splendour by means of assistance from the EEA and Norway Financing Mechanisms in the previous period.

The new period of the Financing Mechanisms will allocate approximately HUF 40 billion (EUR 153 million) to Hungary, making it the third largest beneficiary country of the 15 eligible EU member states. The largest amounts will be available for environmental protection, R+D and the development of NGO capacity.
“The Grants are intended to help reduce social and economic disparities in Europe and strengthen bilateral cooperation between Hungary and Norway. We are pleased to see that the contact between our countries has increased. We would like to further strengthen this cooperation in the upcoming years,” said H.E. Siri Ellen Sletner, Norway’s Ambassador to Hungary.

The funds, running until 2016, are provided for Hungary by Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein in the spirit of solidarity. Almost 97% of the funds are allocated by Norway.