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Green light to build new M3 section to Vásárosnamény2011. október 6.

On 3 October the European Commission approved the major project aimed at the construction of the M3 motorway’s next section. Implemented within the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan, the investment will exceed HUF 62 billion including over HUF 34 billion EU funding. With its 23 approved major projects, Hungary has secured its fourth place in the imaginary ranking of EU member states.

As part of an international transport corridor, the M3 motorway between Nyíregyháza and Vásárosnamény provides better access to Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. By means of the investment a total of 45.7 km of dual two-lane carriageway is built along a new route.

The section is part of the TEN-T network, the TINA network and the Pan-European Corridor IV. The project section is the easternmost point of the east-west corridor within the EU, as no other country has a transport road corridor that is so close to the eastern border of the EU.

Built within the framework of the New Szécheny Plan, the extension of the M3 motorway will ease transit traffic in many settlements in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, providing local citizens a calmer, safer and more enjoyable living environment. With this investment, the Ukrainian border and the Hungarian inhabited Sub-Carpathia will move significantly closer to the central and more distanced areas of Hungary.

The M3 motorway will provide better accessibility and transport infrastructure, facilitating better conditions for investments. The development is expected to raise interest in the region and enhance its economic performance. The project creates the foundation of new business opportunities for local enterprises and the general population, improving transport and market access of produced goods, and will have a positive effect on tourism as well.

In addition, the EU co-financed investment can have an indirect positive effect on local employment rates as well.