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Government decided to fund Bereg flood control and flood area development project under New Széchenyi Plan2011. október 19.

The Government approved the proposed major project with a subsidy demand of over EUR 50 million. The project will be implemented in the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County area with the aim of building a flood reservoir which will form part of the flood control system under the development of the Vásárhelyi Plan and thus contribute to the flood security of the Tisza valley.

This investment, realised within the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan, is more than a flood security development, it is a complex flood control and flood area revitalisation project, as the interventions both inside and outside the areas of the reservoir will promote sustainable water management. The project entails the construction and reconstruction of all relevant engineering structures, the fulfilment of necessary investments and the procuration of equipment.

The project also supports individual urban planning, tourism development as well as economic development programmes related to local bodies of water. The reason for this is the abundant natural treasures of the area. The development of wetland habitats and water areas contribute to environmental protection. The application will also reduce and dampen the effects of extreme weather, such as the damage caused by flood, inland water and drought.

The ‘Bereg Complex Flood Control and Flood Area Revitalisation Development’ major project of the New Széchenyi Plan will allow the reservoir to reduce the water level of Tisza floods by 60 cm, providing flood protection to 250,000 people in an area of 376 km2. The investment will mean safety for 19 settlements, including Vásárosnamény.

As a result of the development, catastrophes such as the 2001 flood that caused HUF 32,300 million damage in the region will become avoidable in the future.