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HUF 1.3 billion logistics storage facility opened in Debrecen under New Széchenyi Plan2011. október 13.

‘The new logistics storage facility of Delog Llc. in Debrecen represents cutting edge technology both in Hungarian and international terms, utilising modern, environmentally friendly solutions,’ emphasised Pál Völner, State Secretary for Infrastructure of the Ministry of National Development at the official opening of the facility on 13 October 2011.

In his speech, Pál Völner pointed out that Debrecen, the second largest city in the country, has exceptional attributes in terms of logistics. Due to the M35 motorway the city, along with Nyíregyháza, is the easternmost point of developed Europe in terms of continuous motorway networks. The city is an important railway hub, and also has an international airport.

The internal road infrastructure of Debrecen is already relieved by the western detour section of M35, the northwest section of which is currently under further development. Under the New Széchényi Plan, the 12 km long section is being constructed from HUF 11 billion, with 85% EU funding.
The State Secretary for Infrastructure also mentioned that under the infrastructure development programme approved by the government this year, the short term period will see the completion of M35 between Debrecen and Berettyóújfalu, and, as its continuation, the completion of M4 between Berettyóújfalu and the national border, eventually providing the link to the North Transylvanian motorway. As part of this development, the southern detour section of Debrecen will be built, connecting the city airport with the motorway. ‘The logistic importance of this development is the high standard infrastructure connection to the Delog Industrial Park,’ described Mr. Völner.

He mentioned that the logistics provider has excellent transport connections, including railway. The railway services at Debrecen station are provided by the Debrecen Container Terminal. According to the state secretary the development of the railway corridor is a key objective in Hungarian transport policy. Debrecen station is located on the Budapest–Szolnok–Debrecen–Záhony TEN-T railway line and is an important part of the east-west cargo transport corridor. The completed and on going developments, along with planned trans-national developments on the railway line, such as the Debrecen–Nagyvárad railway connection, help the competitiveness of the Debrecen Logistics Center.

The storage facility was built within the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan with a total cost of nearly HUF 1300 million including 650 million EU funding. With a base floor of nearly 10,000 sq. metres, the more then 12-metre high facility uses renewable energy heating, and an air-to-air heat pump to heat and cool the facility, as well as to provide hot water. The system only requires electricity, which can be provided through the installation of solar panels on the huge surface of the facility’s roof. The efficiency of lighting is assisted by two lines of insulated windows along the longer sides of the building.