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Government decided to build M43 expressway between Makó and Romanian border under New Széchenyi Plan2011. október 28.

In the context of the New Széchenyi Plan, the project aimed at constructing the Budapest–Csanádpalota–Athens/Bucharest expressway is one of the thirty priority European transportation infrastructure projects. Thus, the project is a significant contribution to creating the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The M43 expressway will be the final element of the main European transit axis passing through Hungary.

In the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan, the Government has launched a series of National Programmes in order the create the foundations of a strong country. In this context, Hungary’s secondary road network and public transport will be renewed to allow those living in smaller settlements to travel quickly and safely.

The 23.1 km section of the M43 expressway between Makó–Csanádpalota/Nagylak (country border) will reduce transit traffic in the settlements of Apátfalva, Magyarcsanád and Nagylak. The project is expected to be completed in 2014, with a budget of HUF 65 billion, co-financed by the EU and Hungary in 61% and 39%, respectively. As the project qualifies as a major project, the European Commission’s approval is required. The government decided on 14 October 2011 that the National Development Agency should submit a tender to Brussels.

Given the high accident figures and their gravity, it is vital to create a new, large capacity road along a new route, capable of ensuring fast and safe transportation between the capital and the national border for both domestic and international traffic.

The project will incorporate the construction of a 2x2 lane road and an emergency lane, as well as the related facilities (overhead passages, water drainage, etc.), stops and intersections.

The project, implemented under the New Széchenyi Plan will contribute to faster access to the areas of Romania inhabited by the Hungarian minority. Construction of the expressway will strengthen social and economic ties in the regions along the national border. The development will allow the expansion of bilateral cooperation in the fields of trade, tourism and transport.

The development will improve the region’s competitiveness, which in turn will help increase employment. Moreover, the works will include local businesses, creating additional jobs. Following conclusion, the project will also create maintenance jobs.