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Protecting and increasing our shared values is today’s key task2011. november 7.

Sára Nemes Hegman, State Secretary for asset management policy of the Ministry of National Development delivered a ceremonial speech on 6 November 2011 at the closing event of the “Settlement development aimed at expanding functions in the town of Kunhegyes” project in the context of the New Széchenyi Plan, following the sanctification of the Roman Catholic church renovated using EU funds.

The successful settlement development project not only expands the community functions of Kunhegyes, but also ensures the stable value of the town’s assets, said the State Secretary. In today’s economic climate, preserving assets is a serious challenge for most local governments, including the preservation and maintenance of property. Therefore a development allowing the local government to preserve and increase the value of its assets in the long run is invaluable, the State Secretary stressed.

Today’s key task is to do everything possible for protecting and increasing our shared values and also preserving them for future generations. The Government is therefore elaborating a unified regulation on national assets for managing national, local and municipal assets alike, said State Secretary Sára Nemes Hegman.

The real value of the renovated Roman Catholic church in Kunhegyes is indescribable, and its role in the town’s life goes far beyond the sum expressed in development funds. A church constitutes the community and spiritual core of a town, representing its shared past and future alike, said the State Secretary. The force of unification that the Christian religion represents is reflected in the creed of the new Fundamental Law; the future of our nation in the third millennium is founded on faith, she added.

The developments affecting the farmer’s market building, Catholic church, the double-towered Calvinist church and the town’s public areas of the town of Kunhegyes will be financed from EU funds under the New Széchenyi Plan, amounting to a total of HUF 297 million.