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Széchenyi Programme Office opened in Pécs2011. november 4.

Ágnes Molnár, State Secretary of the Ministry of National Development responsible for development policy coordination, led the ceremonial inauguration of the local Széchenyi Programme Office in Pécs on 3 November 2011. In her speech, she highlighted the importance of providing all possible support to SMEs, allowing them to contribute to the country’s economic growth and the preservation and expansion of jobs.

At the ceremonial event, Ms Molnár pointed out that tender announcements of the New Széchenyi Plan are still very positively welcomed by economic actors: 4200 applications out of the total 12,000 have already received approving decision. The State Secretary added that in order to bolster businesses facing challenges in the gloomy international economic climate, the Government is planning to create a combined credit scheme. These financial instruments would make pre-financing and raising own funds easier in the post-financed EU support system.

The Government decided in spring to open Széchenyi Programme Offices. The national network will grant greater access to domestic and EU development funds by presenting the tender opportunities under the New Széchenyi Plan and by providing tender consultancy.

A team of 152 consultants is assisting the work of Programme Offices across the country, providing one-on-one consulting for tenderers during the entire tender process. Problems found in the projects of applicants and beneficiaries are resolved on-site, thus increasing the number of successful projects in Hungary.