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Government grants HUF 5 billion to remediate Northern mining area of Peremarton industrial site under New Széchenyi Plan2011. október 24.

The “Remediation of the Northern mining area of Peremarton industrial site” project aims to eliminate the pollution discovered in the Peremarton industrial site area of the town of Berhida. The HUF 5.4 billion investment under the New Széchenyi Plan is expected to facilitate a healthier environment and boost the region’s economic development by attracting new businesses.

The remediation under the New Széchenyi Plan is expected to affect over 6,000 inhabitants directly, and improve the living standards of an additional 10,000 indirectly. Thanks to the project, which was partly financed from EU funds, the Peremarton industrial site area of the town of Berhida will be cleaned of industrial waste.

The affected area gave place to industrial activities for 70 years and the former mine was filled up with industrial waste. The industrial activities and the resulting waste damaged nearby agricultural areas and the pollution still threatens the subsoil water reserves of the area and the Kálóz creek.

The development is expected to prevent pollution from spreading further, as the soil will be cleaned by extracting, treating and reusing the contaminated part. Moreover, the project may also reduce the threat to subsoil waters – and thus the region’s water supply – as well as the amount of pollutants reaching the Kálóz creek.

Once the polluted areas are cleaned, the operation of the Industrial Park and the city area will become undisturbed, resolving human health hazards and creating a healthier environment. The collateral benefits expected from the development will contribute, through better environmental conditions, to attracting businesses and creating new ones.