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Government decides to renovate additional national-level roads under New Széchenyi Plan2011. november 2.

The pavement reinforcement of the Hajdúszoboszló–Debrecen section of main road No. 4, as well as of certain sections of main road No. 76 in Vas and Zala counties were carried out in the context of the New Széchenyi Plan. Main road No. 4 is expected to reach completion by the end of 2012 with a total cost of HUF 1.1 billion, while main road No. 76 is expected to be finished by the end of 2013, with a cost of HUF 900 million.

In the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan, the Government has launched a series of National Programmes in order to create the foundations of a strong country. In this context, Hungary’s secondary road network and public transport will be renewed to allow those living in smaller settlements to travel quickly and safely.

The cost of reinforcing the pavement of the section of main road No. 4 between Hajdúszoboszló and Debrecen amounted to HUF 1.1 billion, and works are set to be completed by the end of 2012. In the framework of the project, the pavement of the section of main road No. 4 between milestones 209 and 216, i.e. the section between the bypass to Hajdúszoboszló and the bypass to Debrecen (Southern intersection of the M35 motorway) will be reinforced to accommodate an axle load of 11.5 tonnes. Main road No. 4 plays a key role in accommodating long-distance traffic between Budapest and Záhony, thus contributing to the smooth transport of medium and large goods vehicles.

The reinforcement of main road No. 76 will cost HUF 900 million, and is set to be completed by the end of 2013. The preparation and construction of pavement reinforcement of the section between milestones 74 and 77 of main road No. 76 will be carried out in the context of the project, allowing it to accommodate an axle load of 11.5 tonnes. The road width will also be enlarged in parallel to the reinforcement. Project implementation is justified by the fact that main road No. 76 represents a regional link between motorway M7 and main road No. 86 and ensures a connection between the North-Western and Southern areas.

As a result of public road development, roads with greater capacity will be able to accommodate greater loads per vehicle, which in turn decreases specific energy usage. Improving road quality and the establishment of bypasses will allow for steadier traffic speed and thus decreases energy consumption; moreover, the development will improve the main road network’s technical conditions and transportation safety.

Approximately 10 km of road will be renovated in the two projects. Both projects are funded up to 85% by the EU and 15% by the Hungarian state budget.