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New Széchenyi Programme Office opened at Hódmezővásárhely2011. december 15.

Ágnes Molnár, State Secretary of the Ministry of National Development responsible for development policy co-ordination opened the local Széchenyi Programme Office on 17 November 2011, in Hódmezővásárhely. The State Secretary pointed out in her speech that in weighing its economic policy, central budget, development and assets management decisions, the Government gave priority to the points of view of Hungarian-owned companies and in particular of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

In addition to boosting the competitiveness of Hungary, to employment expansion and job creation, the main objectives of the New Széchenyi Plan launched in January include the putting into position of small and medium-sized companies. The transformation of the development policy system will make it possible to relay as fast as possible as much funding as possible to the small and micro enterprises suffering most from lack of resources. According to Ágnes Molnár, the New Széchenyi Credit Programmes will make it possible for the companies concerned to apply for support with very little, 10%, own contribution, by simplified procedure, in a one-stop-shop system.

“According to the latest data, thanks to the renewal of the application structure of the New Széchenyi Plan as of March, the application propensity of the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises has improved this year. The figures also witness an unbroken propensity for application: close to 7000 applications have been submitted to the calls for applications for enterprise development, and support decisions have been taken on 4000 of them”, Ágnes Molnár added. János Lázár, Mayor of Hódmezővásárhely and Eszter Görözdi-Nagy, MD of the network of Széchenyi Programme Offices also took part at the opening event.

The Government decided on the establishment of Széchenyi programme offices in the spring. The national network makes the domestic and EU development resources available to even more optional applicants through the presentation of application options under the New Széchenyi Plan and by providing application counselling. The last Széchenyi Programme Office was opened on 3 November in Pécs, and other units are scheduled for transfer in the near future.

Nationally, a total of 152 advisors contribute to the work of the Széchenyi programme offices; they provide the applicants professional counsel throughout the application process. They remedy problems incurred in connection with the projects of the applicants, the beneficiaries, at local level, contributing thereby to the realisation of the highest possible number of successful projects in Hungary.