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Castle Bazaar to be renewed from the resources of the New Széchenyi Plan2011. december 5.

“For long decades, the Castle Bazaar was the ornament of the Castle District along the River Danube. Today it is merely an ugly blot on our historical heritage”, Ministerial Commissioner Ferenc Zumbok said on 15 November 2011 in Buda Castle, in connection with the restoration works of Castle Bazaar and the Castle District. In the Ministerial Commissioner’s opinion, after the public procurement procedures the restoration of the Castle Bazaar may start next autumn. The final and binding building permits and implementation plans have been obtained for the northern pavilion and the Water Carriers’ Stairway. The HUF 6.5 billion required for the works is available from funds granted by the European Union.

On 19 October 2011 the Government adopted a decision on launching the complete reconstruction and the long-term development of the Castle Bazaar. The plans related to the reconstruction of the Castle Bazaar must be elaborated by 31 December 2011 and the works must be completed by March 2014.

According to Government Spokesman András Giró-Szász, Buda Castle is a significant part of our national history and identity, and the Government wants to support exactly such areas and objectives under the New Széchenyi Plan. The project is included among the National Programmes, which means that it is a development pointing beyond a merely regional perspective, as it can bring specific benefits to the entire country. “Today the Castle Bazaar is among the World’s 100 Most Endangered listed building complexes. This is what the Government wants to change not only because the Castle Bazaar is part of our history and identity, but also because this project will create jobs, which is an important objective of the government”, the government spokesmen stressed.

Ferenc Zumbok explained that for more than a century the Castle Bazaar has been underutilised. “In addition to the restoration, the most difficult task will be to identify the functions to make this territory a lively and visited centre of Budapest”, he added. The reconstruction plans include building of the parapet walk running around the palace, the construction of a deep garage for 130-140 cars, and the creation of an underground cultural programme area on 1600 square metres.  A moving walkway is planned next to the water carriers’ stairway to connect the so-far isolated Castle with the Danube Bank. Some of the premises once used as ateliers would be provided to young artists free of charge, while the rest will serve as restaurants and cafés. The former Youth Park would accommodate “booted tourists” in beer tents and cheaper restaurants.

Gábor Tamás Nagy, Mayor of District I welcomed the Government’s plans and stressed that they reflected the Council’s recommendations. The Mayor was pleased to learn that instead of offering the territory to private investors, the opportunity for the state to participate in the overwhelming majority of the project would be allowed. “I am especially delighted to understand that the reconstruction will be realised with assistance from the European Union, as this is the most realistic and most fortunate solution”, the mayor said.

Based on the Government’s decision, the feasibility study required for the improvement of the very poor traffic conditions in the Castle District and its surroundings must be completed by the end of February 2012, and the deadline set in the government decree for the 25-year development strategy of the district is 31 May 2012.

In Ferenc Zumbok’s opinion the Buda Castle is not only a world cultural heritage but also an outstanding site in the history of Hungarians, and therefore its long-term development is inconceivable without seeking the opinions of expert and social organisations.  Assistance and ideas are expected of the approximately 30 authorities, institutions and civil organisations involved in the consultation in connection with the development of the Castle District.The Government decided on commencing the total reconstruction of Castle Bazaar and on the long-term development of Castle District on 19 October 2011. The plans for the renewal Castle Bazaar shall be drawn up by 30 December 2011, and the works shall be completed by March  2014.