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Successful wastewater investment project for the sake of secure and healthy conditions of living under the New Széchenyi Plan2011. december 16.

After the change of government, a total of around HUF 150 billion was been awarded for 118 wastewater treatment and cleaning programmes under the New Széchenyi Plan, János Bencsik Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Policy announced on 18 November 2011, at Dévaványa, at the closing event of the Dévaványa wastewater investment project.

Furthermore, in 2012, the Government will make available almost HUF 1400 billion under the New Széchenyi Plan for the renewal, economic development and social consolidation of Hungary. The new application system and rules of procedure are concurrent with less administration and shorter evaluation deadlines, to provide the applicants the fastest and easiest possible access to the funds, the State Secretary stressed.

János Bencsik underlined that the total cost of the implementation of the Dévaványa project was almost HUF 342 million, of which the European Union and the Hungarian state provided around HUF 291 million as non-repayable subsidies

The Secretary of State emphasised that the population of the town has been waiting for the completion of the execution of the investment for a long time, since the development started as long as 23 years ago.  The implementation of the project puts an end to soil pollution, and it has a positive impact on air quality, on protection against inland water and on the secure and healthy conditions of living of the residents of the settlement. The development is a good example also of the fact that co-operation between the local and the central government may actually renew Hungary from its very bases through the clever and targeted allocation of the resources of the New Széchenyi Plan.