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Government Assists Family Enterprises in Most Underdeveloped Regions2011. december 30.

The New Széchenyi Plan awarded 222 million forints of support to 35 family enterprises in Hungary’s most disadvantaged micro regions. Back in August the Ministry of National Development announced a request for proposals for the technology development of micro-enterprises. The Government support helps keep 87 workplaces and create 48 new ones.

Through the request for proposals the Government not only wishes to help family enterprises that did not get any support during the previous government period, but is also intent on promoting local economy and increasing employment in micro regions with a maximum population of 5000 inhabitants.

The 222 million forints of support offered within the New Széchenyi Plan were won by family and micro enterprises with less than ten employees. Another eligibility condition was to implement the proposed projects in what are classified as rural settlements located in the most underdeveloped micro regions.

The request for proposals offered support for the procurement of technical equipment, machines, vehicles, power machines, power station equipment, other machines and equipment that directly serve enterprising activities. Since the support is not eligible for EU funding, the ministry provided the budget from regional development and development policy allocations.

By keeping workplaces and creating new ones, the winning enterprises will enhance their productivity and competitiveness. The development projects will perceptibly improve the quality of life of local residents, enabling them to break out from the most disadvantageous situation in the long run.