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Safe Flue Gas Removal Proposals Expected From Today2011. december 5.

Today the Ministry of National Development announced a call for proposals in the total amount of 700 million forints for supporting the renovation of single-channel collector chimneys within the New Széchenyi Plan. The purpose of the call is to upgrade the safety technology of single-channel collector chimneys which remove flue gases of heating and water heating equipment in apartment buildings.

Condominiums and housing co-operatives may submit proposals for upgrading the collector chimneys of their buildings, and local governments may do so in respect of their own tenements from December 5, 2011. Support may be requested for modernising the collector chimneys of apartment buildings and the related chimney sections of all residential units. The improvements will result in the safe removal of flue gases produced by heating equipment and in the prevention of flue gas reflux, which endangers life.

The tender fund will cover up to 40 percent of the overall project value, but individual apartments will be eligible for a maximum of 150 thousand forints. Proposals may be submitted in one or two rounds, depending on the local government’s decision to support the particular project.

Support granted will be a non-refundable ex post subsidy in each case. Applications may only be submitted electronically from December 5, 2011 till June 30, 2012 or until the budget is used up, on the tender website at For detailed information visit the government’s portal at and the website of ÉMI Nonprofit Kft. at

Announced in early October with a framework amount of 2.97 billion forints, the Green Investment System call for proposals “Subprogram for the construction of solar collector systems to facilitate the utilisation of renewable energy carriers and to support utility hot water production and heating assistance”  had received approximately 1,500 applications for over 1 billion forints by late November. Applications received are continuously processed by ÉMI Nonprofit Kft. Further applications may be submitted till December 31, 2011 or until the budget is used up on the website