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Programme Office for Tokaj-Hegyalja World Heritage Regional Development Opened2012. január 3.

A Programme Office for World Heritage Regional Development was opened in Tokaj-Hegyalja within the local Széchenyi Programme Office on December 2, 2011, Friday. The office will be responsible for co-ordinating development policy tasks related to the wine region.

In June Parliament passed the World Heritage Act, which resulted in innumerable state tasks and development policy opportunities. These will be co-ordinated and supported on the local level by the Programme Office for Tokaj-Hegyalja World Heritage Regional Development, headed by Dr. András Takács. The operation of the office will contribute to protecting cultural and natural values in the region and to significantly increasing the region’s revenue generation capacity in terms of viniculture, wine production and tourism.

These goals are in harmony with the efforts of the New Széchenyi Plan launched in January with the objective of supporting economic growth, fostering employment and strengthening domestic SMEs. Government established the system of Széchenyi Program Offices to support tender procedures and the allocation of funds with the greatest possible success. The Programme Office for Tokaj-Hegyalja World Heritage Regional Development was opened within that system, upon the initiative of the local office.

Opening the Program Office was well-timed, since Tokaj-Hegyalja will celebrate the 10th anniversary of its world heritage title in 2012. Thus, in addition to carrying out the professional tasks defined in the World Heritage Act, the office may contribute to preparing a proper celebration of the world heritage title in the region.