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Enterprise Development Tenders to Continue in 20122012. január 31.

With the approval of the Ministry of National Development, numerous new enterprise development tenders will open this year within the New Széchenyi Plan.

During the 2007-2013 development period, so far 16,483 positive decisions have been made in the domain of economic development, in the total amount of HUF 858.5 billion. In other words, a high number of Hungarian businesses have been assisted by various popular enterprise development tenders within the New Széchenyi Plan. This prompted the National Development Agency to extend as many as ten enterprise development tender announcements until the end of 2012 with the support of the Ministry of National Development.

Businesses that submitted  applications to some of the ten tenders, including “Development of logistic centres and services”, “Support for complex technological development and employment”, “Micro enterprise development”, “Complex corporate technology development for micro, small and medium enterprises” and “Support for the utilisation of innovation results for micro, small and medium enterprises”, will be entitled to submit another application in 2012, irrespective of the date of the grant decision.

In addition, the tenders “Support for the complex technological innovation of accredited cluster member companies”, “Support for the complex technological innovation of enterprises”, “Support for the joint technological innovation of accredited innovation cluster member companies” and “Support for market-oriented R&D activities” will remain open for applications throughout the year.

In the Central Hungary Region, applications may be submitted to “Support for the complex technological innovation of enterprises” until 31 May 2012 and to “Complex corporate technology development for micro, small and medium enterprises” until 30 June 2012. In all other regions, the tenders will remain open until the end of the year.

With the help of the New Széchenyi Plan, the Government is working hard to support Hungarian small and medium enterprises, in an effort to boost economic activity. The utilisation of European Union funds can be most effective if the largest possible number of Hungarian businesses rely on experiences from previous tenders to benefit from the most successful schemes.

Source: Ministry of National Development