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First Phase of Csepel Island Backbone Road Completed2012. január 31.

The road section between the M0 ring road and the town of Lórév has been completed within the New Széchenyi Plan. The main objective of the nearly HUF 2 billion project was to simplify transport on Csepel Island. Held in Szigetszentmiklós on 11 January 2012, the official inauguration ceremony was addressed by State Secretary for Infrastructure Pál Völner.

State Secretary Völner stressed the exposure of the existing road network on Csepel Island to 14,000 vehicles per day as the main reason for the project. Each of the three main junctions (Csepel Bridge and the exits to Halásztelek and Szigetszentmiklós) is exposed to constant traffic jams which often slow motorway traffic, too. The new backbone road will radically rationalise and speed up traffic towards both Budapest and the inner areas of the island.

The new road section will improve access to and road safety in Csepel Island, perceptibly relieve the surrounding towns and villages from transit traffic, reducing the environmental burdens of local people in Halásztelek, Szigethalom and Szigetszentmiklós, explained State Secretary Völner.

The newly completed Csepel Island backbone road has 2x1 lanes, but it will be expanded to a dual carriageway at a later stage. Mr Völner concluded his address by highlighting that the construction of the new two-kilometre road section towards Halásztelek is set to reach completion by the second half of the year.

The overloaded M0 ring road is under continuous improvement. The projects scheduled by the Government until 2027 within the long-term high-speed and main road development program include the completion of the M0 and the expansion of the existing motorway capacities.

Source: Ministry of National Development