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Billion Forint Development in Székesfehérvár Supported by New Széchenyi Plan2012. február 17.

International Business Machines (IBM) has been in Hungary since 1936 and has operated one of its nine service centres worldwide in Székesfehérvár since 1997.

The end of January saw the completion of a HUF 2 billion project to build IBM’s latest international service centre in Székesfehérvár. The program was supported by the New Széchenyi Plan with HUF 509 million of non-refundable EU funds. At the inauguration ceremony, Tamás Égi, deputy mayor of the city, emphasized that the project created 250 new jobs.

Zoltán Takács, Head of IBM’s Central European Delivery Centre, pointed out that the main aims of the project completed two weeks ago included job creation in accordance with the objectives of the New Széchenyi Plan. “This project was the second phase of the expansion by which we had hired new staff since 2007. We want to go ahead on this road in the future and would like to implement other development projects later on.”

IBM’s Delivery Centre works with highly qualified IT professionals to perform surveillance around the clock. Seated in Hungary, they provide operational system support and data storage management to European and North-American clients and perform remote monitoring services for system networks.
“With the disappearance of boundaries in information technology, Hungarian professionals can also perform tasks taken over from Western Europe”. The Head of the Centre adds that continuous training always makes staff up to date with the use of the latest programmes and software. “Cloud computing is a completely new direction of IT. In this field our task is to give clients the necessary technical background.”
After the new offices and work stations were built, all advertised positions had been filled by as soon as last December. Admission criteria for new staff included fluency in at least one European language besides English.

“Using the professional skills learnt in Hungary is beneficial for both the country and the company. We offer training to make sure we have enough IBM product specialists in Hungary. This is an important pillar of our corporate policy”, says Zoltán Takács. The newly completed expansion will boost efficiency in customer support. The development project will enable the company to manage complex tasks of a higher level with greater ease.

Source: Heti Válasz