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European Commission Says NDA’s Measures Cope With General Difficulties of Development Projects2012. február 20.

In Budapest the European Commission evaluated Hungary’s development projects supported by the European Social Fund. The European Commission’s representatives were satisfied with the progress of the programs and appreciated the achievements of state reform and HR programs.

Under the European Commission’s Regulation, an annual review meeting was held to evaluate the progress of operational programs financed by the EU. Today the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion looked at the operational programs implemented by the European Social Fund, including the Social Renewal Operational Program and the State Reform Operational Program. The meeting aimed to give the Commission a comprehensive picture of the progress of the operational programs in the 2007-2013 program period and to check the efficient and successful use of financing by the European Social Fund.

The Commission reviewed the previous implementation reports of the NDA, the body responsible for program coordination, and sent its preliminary comments and questions. In the light of the data in the submitted annual reports and the Hungarian party’s detailed oral presentation , the European Commission spoke highly of the substantive progress in the implementation of the operational programs and the Hungarian party’s openness and willingness to cooperate. The Commission called Hungary’s implementation goals progressive and conforming to the European Union’s recently defined, renewed priorities.

In their report, Hungary’s representatives highlighted that the funds still available in the period until 2013 will be used efficiently and more successfully in the fields of public education, culture, vocational training, adult education, social policy, crime prevention and healthcare within the modified Social Renewal Operational Program. In order to make implementation more simple, faster and transparent, the implementation of the projects financed by the Program has been supported by ESF Social Service Non-profit Ltd., a single intermediate body in replacement of the previous three,since 1 January 2011.
The European Commission’s representatives welcomed that as a result of acceleration and simplification processes, the National Development Agency will open by late March the remaining funds of the Social Renewal Operational Program available for the 2007-2013 planning period and, in parallel, of the Social Infrastructure Operational Program financed by the Regional Development Fund, in an effort to promote the successful withdrawal of EU funds.

The Commission welcomed that the HUF 20 billion budget of the 2011-2013 action plan of the State Reform Operational Program and the related program modification initiated by Hungary in December 2011 provide an appropriate background for the implementation of the Magyary Zoltán Program for Public Administration Development, which is aimed to create efficient national public administration.
Source: NDA