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HUF 400 million Road Development in Hajdúböszörmény2012. február 20.

Pál Völner, State Secretary for Infrastructure, delivered a municipal road development project on 19 January 2012 in Hajdúböszörmény. Worth a total of nearly HUF 400 million, the project was implemented by more than HUF 330 million of funding within the New Széchenyi Plan.

The project involved a section of approximately 1,400 metres of a high-traffic road . Works included the renovation of the road surface, the building of a roundabout, the development of car parks, the installation of street furniture and the renovation of public lighting.
In his inaugural speech, Pál Volner emphasized that the project will enable people living in Hajdúböszörmény to travel in a nicer environment and on safer roads and will give them a more liveable town. Also, the new townscape and the concentrated development of infrastructure will make the town, a sub-regional centre, more attractive in terms of economy and tourism.

In Hajdúböszörmény 101 projects received a total of more than HUF 10.5 billion of funding in the 2007-2011 period. 69 projects, including the extension of the urban bicycle lane network and the building of a new gymnasium for Széchenyi István Vocational School of Agriculture and Hall of Residence,have already been completed. After the change of government, 54 local development projects have been contracted for a total of HUF 3.2 billion since June 2010.

Source: Ministry for National Development