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Non-refundable Grants of Solar Collector Tender Remain Available Until Late March2012. február 20.

The extended deadline of the New Széchenyi Plan’s Green Investment System “Subprogram for the construction of solar construction systems to promote the use of renewable energy sources, the generation of residential hot water and the supporting heating systems” will expire on 31 March 2012. To date funding needs within the received and accepted applications have covered nearly two thirds of the available grant budget of HUF 2.9 billion. The remaining amount is still available for a non-refundable grant of HUF 800,000 HUF per flat.

The projects help residential buildings reduce their maintenance costs and energy use. The post-financing tender of the New Széchenyi Plan’s Green Investment System primarily supports the generation of residential heating water and hot water by solar collectors.

The eligible activities include, regardless of the construction technology of the particular residential building, the purchase and installation of the system which consists of a solar collector and the related elements. Applications may be submitted by individuals and condominiums of no more than 12 flats. The grant may cover up to 50% of the total project amount but no more than HUF 800,000  per flat. The work fee  may not exceed 30% of the eligible acquisition costs. The solar system must be installed by closely fitting the existing building mechanics system and must be able to operate all around the year.

All tender information is available on the tender manager ÉMI Non-profit  Ltd’s website at or at

Source: Ministry for National Development