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Downtown Békéscsaba to be renovated2012. március 23.

The renovation of downtown Békéscsaba witnessed the start of its first phase. More than half of the costs of the 1.9 billion forint project will be covered by the New Széchenyi Plan.

As a county seat Békéscsaba plays a central role in the economic, political and cultural life of the region. The heart of the city, Saint Stephen’s Square will be managed and renovated accordingly, including the installation of lamp posts which fit the surrounding monuments, the restoration of the facade of the City Hall and one of the nicest citizen houses in the city, the planting of vegetation, and the building of an ornamental fountain and a rose well.

The urban development project could turn the historic main square from a main traffic route into an impressive community space which may become the venue of cultural services and events attracting large groups of people as well. A new rainwater drainage system will cover the entire territory of the project, and there are also plans to renovate the potable water pipelines.

The urban rehabilitation programmes within the New Széchenyi Plan aim to renovate public areas in cities in order to further facilitate urban activity in economic and social fields. In Békéscsaba 110 projects have won 6.23 billion forints of support since June 2010 according to the Government’s decision.

Source: Ministry of National Development