NFÜ National
Development Agency


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Hungarian side accomplished the second loop evaluation of the final project proposals submitted for FA9 (security) focus area, call for modernization projects 3 April 2012

The National Development Agency announced its Call for proposal within Focus Area 9 of the Swiss-Hungarian Co-operation Programme, Modernization projects on 22 August 2011, with the total allocation of 10 million CHF.

Deriving from the speciality of the Focus Area, according to Art. 2.1. of Annex 2 of the Framework Agreement between the Swiss Federal Council and the Government of Hungary concerning the implementation of the Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme declared by Government decree No. 348/2007. (XII.20.), projects preferenced by the Government of Hungary had been identified. The Ministry of Interior and the National Office for the Judiciary (previously: Office of the National Council of Justice) were identified by the Government Decree 1275/2011. (VIII. 10.) as the possible Executing Agencies for the focus area. Identification of the projects is a necessary, but not sufficient precondition for the support and does not lead to obligation to conclude the Project Agreement and the Project Implementation Agreement.

The aims of the assistance under Focus Area 9 are to enhance public and border security and to improve working conditions (infrastructure and logistics) of security related institutions.

Evaluation is managed in two loops. In the current – second – loop the evaluation of the submitted final project proposals on the Hungarian side had been accomplished in March 2012, at present the evaluation of the Swiss side is ongoing. Final decision concerning the project proposals is foreseen in the second quarter of 2012.