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9.5 billion forint potable water quality improvement program in Bács-Kiskun County2012. április 10.

At its last session, the Government approved the project proposal called “Blue Water” North Bács-Kiskun County Potable Water Quality Improvement Program, which will be implemented within the New Széchenyi Plan. The improvement will provide clean and healthy potable water for approximately 250 thousand inhabitants in 30 towns and villages.

The quality of underground water stocks available in the north of Bács-Kiskun County does not meet the EU requirements due to their high arsenic, ammonium, iron and manganese content. The New Széchenyi Plan earmarked net HUF 7.5 billion to assist the towns and villages concerned in meeting the derogation obligation. The consumption of the continuously monitored potable water cleaned from all harmful substances does not represent any health risk for any age group.

The Blue Water program will give four towns and villages (Lajosmizse, Nyárlőrinc, Orgovány and Városföld) independent water works and a new cleaning technology capacity in excess of 60 thousand cubic meters per day. A pipeline network of 171.5 km and regional systems will be established to supply the other towns and villages. One-fifth of the overall costs will be used to renovate the existing networks and to construct cleaning nodes and pipeline rings. The project will give pipeline supply to the parts of the towns and villages which have so far been unsupplied.

Establishing healthy, clean towns and villages and liveable neighbourhoods is a key objective of the New Széchenyi Plan. The overall budget available for modern waste management, potable water supply and sewage is HUF 730 billion. Designed to cover the entire population of Hungary, the improvement is mainly aimed to help meet the environmental norms undertaken at the time of Hungary’s EU accession.

The Southern Great Plain Potable Water Quality Improvement Program, which includes “Blue Water”, is the most important targeted development project in the country. With a cost requirement of net HUF 71.7 billion, the program will supply approximately 1.2 million inhabitants in a total of 207 towns and villages within three counties with proper, high-quality potable water, in compliance with the domestic and international requirements.

Source: Ministry of National Development