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Road improvements start with New Széchenyi Plan funding2012. április 23.

The Region of Northern Hungary has started to renovate 4-5 digit byroads with the approval of the Ministry of National Development within the 2009-2013 Action Plan of the Northern Hungary Operational Program. Launched on 10 April, the project will use approximately 814.5 million forints of support to renovate nearly 11 km of the road connecting Verseg and Hatvan.

The newly launched project will renovate pavements and roadsides, reconstruct bus stops, and will dewater and drain road surfaces along a section of approximately 11 km of road 2111, which connects Verseg and Hatvan.
After the mandatory public procurement procedure, project host Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt. signed an implementation contract with the C-H ROP 2009-2013 Consortium. The primary objective of implementation is to renovate pavements and roadsides for increased travel comfort and traffic safety for motorists. The contractor will reinforce and renovate the pavement along the road section involved, and will repair road defects to make the traffic flow more dynamic. The project will also include the reconstruction and renovation of bus stops, , the cleaning of ditches and culverts and the arrangement of roadsides.
Implementation will have a direct impact on local inhabitants along the roads, who use them every day on their way to work, school and to administer their affairs, and it will have an indirect impact on people passing through. As well as the operator and maintainer, the Northern Hungary Regional Development Agency and the organisations monitoring the utilisation of EU funds will pay special attention to the renovated road section for 5 years after the successful closing of the project.
Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt. is confident that the renovated national road under its care will win the satisfaction of all travellers in the region and will play its expected role within the micro region, ensuring faster, safer and more comfortable access to regional centres, kindergartens, schools, workplaces and institutions.

Source: Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt., National Development Agency