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On the way to complete broadband coverage2012. május 22.

A call for applications has been announced to support the development of broadband backhaul networks within the New Széchenyi Plan. With a total budget of HUF 20 billion, the call for applications encourages any market network development required to achieve full broadband coverage in Hungary.

The New Széchenyi Plan’s call for applications for broadband backhaul network development supports the establishment of infocommunication infrastructure in areas where the network infrastructure necessary for access to broadband services has not been established yet on a business basis. Currently, approximately 16,000 households have no access to any basic broadband internet service, and no broadband of an appropriate speed can be provided to 200,000 households due to a low local network capacity.

Since equal opportunity in terms of digital access and skills is a prerequisite for long-term competitiveness among citizens and enterprises, the state is responsible for using development policy means to facilitate the establishment of the necessary infrastructure.

The development of the backhaul network infrastructure is in the interest of both market operators and users as the latest infocommunication technologies are used by more and more people and with an ever broader bandwidth, thus the increased demand for capacity causes bottlenecks in many cases.

The call for applications for backhaul network development contributes to the establishment of a high-speed broadband infrastructure in the whole country by 2013, in accordance with the aims of the European Digital Agenda. The call for applications may help approximately 200,000 households, 15,000 enterprises and 2,000 public institutions enjoy the practical benefits of high-speed broadband cable connection to the Internet.

The call for applications is limited to enterprises engaged in electronic communication that are registered with the National Media and Infocommunications Authority. The total budget available for the projects to be implemented within the scheme is HUF 20 billion. The non-refundable grant amounts to at least HUF 10 million but no more than HUF 3 billion. Applications can be submitted between 14 May and 31 July 2012.

For the detailed call for applications click here.

Source: Ministry for National Development