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Complex developments in Törökszentmiklós industrial park2012. május 23.

The development of the industrial park is another step towards making Törökszentmiklós a key business hub in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, said Sára Nemes Hegman, Secretary of State for Property Policy of the Ministry for National Development, at the industrial park of Törökszentmiklós on 27 April 2012, during the closing ceremony of the investment incentive project implemented by funding from the New Széchenyi Plan.

With a total budget of HUF 1 billion, the project is an added value development which can make the city attractive to new enterprises and generate new employment in the long run. The Secretary of State pointed out that a competitive enterprise primarily calls for proper infrastructure and a technological background which meets the requirements of the 21st century. These criteria are also supported by the New Széchenyi Plan, which will offer enterprises simpler and faster access to the awarded funds already in the first year, which will support the priority objectives of preserving existing jobs and creating new ones, said Sára Nemes Hegman.

To date, Törökszentmiklós has witnessed successful applications for programs announced within the New Széchenyi Plan. The establishment of a biogas factory is in progress along with the Project for Drinking Water Quality Improvement, expected to finish by the end of 2014, added Sára Nemes Hegman.

The complex development project with an assistance intensity of 50% aimed to utilise unused industrial areas and to establish logistic and incubation activities to reinforce enterprises. As a result, modern infrastructure was installed in a set of plots so far without public utilities, and a light-structure industrial plant, an incubator house and an industrial track with a useful length exceeding 1,000 meters were built.

Source: MND