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Kalocsa opens the Green Door with a green district heating system18 June 2012

Half of the total cost of HUF 1.2 billion of Kalocsa’s new biomass-based district heating system was financed by the New Széchenyi Plan. This investment is the first step of the Green Door initiative that aggregates the sustainability-related efforts of the local municipality. The District Heating Development Action Plan might be completed this year, the document relies on the concept that presumes that the green district heating system will be widespread nationwide – said Pál Kovács, Secretary of State for Energy, during the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the facility at Kalocsa on 6 June 2012.

By establishing this 4 MW capacity biomass power plant, 2.5 million m3 gas can be substituted and 15% savings can be achieved in local energy consumption. Four fifths of Kalocsa’s largest institutions and commercial and financial units can join the district heating system. The service will be available to the Town Hall, to the hospital, to two secondary schools, to the Public Prosecutor's department, to the Land Registry office and to several institutions of the Archdiocese.

Kalocsa intends to become self-sufficient and independent of outside sources within the next 15 years in respect of energy and food according to the Green Door Programme.  Besides the district heating system, Kalocsa is also planning to make its public buildings more energy efficient, to install solar panel systems and to modernise public lighting. The good example might encourage other municipalities too, and their combined efforts may lead to the emergence of,a green economy of low carbon emission in Hungary.

Pál Kovács praised the initiatives of Kalocsa, stating that the local actions are in complete harmony with the objectives of the governmental policy on reducing energy dependence. According to the Renewable Energy Utilisation Action Plan, the decentralised thermal-purpose use of biomass and geothermic energy may play the greatest role in meeting international obligations.

According to the situation of the concept serving as the foundation of the District Heating Development Action Plan, natural gas is the determining energy source of district heating with its 80% share. The National Energy Strategy aims to increase the use of renewable energy sources for heating purposes from 10% to 25% by 2030.

There are 20 successful projects with a total assistance exceeding HUF 3.5 billion under the construction entitled “Meeting the local heating and cooling needs using renewable energy sources” of the New Széchenyi Plan.

Kalocsa was successful with respect of other calls too: it received HUF 8.3 billion in assistance for its 84 projects. The 61 completed developments include the renovation of road No. 5301 and the development of Kertváros Elementary School. The settlement’s role as subregional centre is also strengthened by the quality improvement of drinking water project that received HUF 1.5 billion in assistance.

Source: Ministry of National Development