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Development Agency


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The Macedonian delegation visits the National Development Agency19 June 2012

During his visit to Hungary, Arafat Shabani, Chief Adviser of the Deputy Prime Minister of Macedonia in charge of EU affaires, emphasised the importance of strengthening professional and political ties between Hungary and Macedonia, as well as sharing experiences with regard to utilising the assistance of the European Union.

The National Development Agency received Mr. Arafat Shabani, Chief Adviser of the Deputy Prime Minister of Macedonia, and Ms. Orhideja Kaljoshevska, the National Twinning Coordinator of Macedonia, during their official visit.

The technical and diplomatic relations between Hungary and Macedonia intensified during recent times, and a number of long-term cooperation initiatives have been initiated, for example in the area of utilising EU assistance, customs and local governance.

The Macedonian delegation emphasised its openness to adopt the experiences and best practices of Hungary, for which the cooperation within the Twinning and Taiex Programmes may provide opportunities. The Twinning and Taiex Programmes are the most prominent tools of the extension and partnership policy of the European Union through which member states assist the preparations of countries waiting to join - such as Macedonia - by providing their know-how in the field of public administration and public services. The participation in these programmes provides the opportunity to increase the prestige of the Hungarian public administration and to prove the competence of Hungarian public servants.

During their visit, Mr. Arafat Shabani and Ms. Orhideja Kaljoshevska conducted bilateral consultations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Development Agency.  Beside these, they gave key speeches during the Twinning Conference organised by the National Development Agency in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on 6 June 2012.

The main aim of the conference was to increase the commitment of the Hungarian public administration towards the Twinning Programme and to draw attention to the advantages and benefits of participating in the Twinning activities, as well as to urge the eligible institutions to apply and to use these opportunities.

Macedonia, as the beneficiary of the Twinning Programme, has welcomed Hungarian public administration experts several times in the past, whom have helped Macedonia with their experience in the process of preparation to join the EU.

Mr. Shabani expressed his appreciation for the Hungarian help and expertise provided during the Twinning Programme and reinforced Macedonia’s intent for further cooperation.