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Application “Dictionary” – How to Win EU Applications?22 June 2012

A quick guide, a small glossary for the application system for those who want to dig deeper – if for nothing else but for one application – into the possibilities provided by the New Széchenyi Plan.


The word “grant” is a frequently used term and means what it means: it doesn’t have to be paid back, there is no payback obligation. This is the best existing thing because an enterprise can receive money, so its development is supported in such a way that the assistance don’t have to be paid back. This is an option that is not available even from banks.
Its objective: to increase employment and establish the prerequisites of economic growth.

Ex-post Financing

The most important term that is not clear for many is that all grants are awarded in ex-post financing.
•    Thus the applicant will receive the grant after implementing the whole or part of the project after signing the assistance contract and presenting the invoices and payment claims. This also means that the applicant must have his or her own contribution available right from the beginning – and this has to be proven by a bank statement – that is sufficient to implement the development even without the assistanceapplication. Actually, this is beneficial for us since we get part of our investment back later. We can receive 20 to 100% of the total investment. Who couldn’t use some free money?

•    Important! If you think seriously about applying, do not purchase any tools or machinery that could also be purchased from the grant, because that means that the project has commenced! Be patient and apply!


Beside the basic application information, documents are needed to prove the validity of the information contained in the application. These are called annexes. These facilitate the work of the evaluators. In other words, the objective of these documents is to support the information included in the application with factual data, and this is very important for the evaluation process. For example: specimen signatures, copy of the register, photos, decisions, statements from the assembly, plans, financial reports, etc.

Completion of Documents

Thank  God, this is a good refuge! Usually a dedicated notification arrives from the authorities, which draws the attention to provide additional information on the application, and also sets a deadline for this; they will wait for the information until the deadline but it will not be accepted if it is submitted afterwards. In other words, this is a possibility to supplement or provide the information or annexes required by the Guide that could not be included in the application because they were not ready by the deadline of the application.
•    The completion of documents is a one-time process and its deadline cannot be extended!
•    In the case of annexes, special attention should be paid to their validity and authenticity. (E.g. 30 days in the case of copies of the registry!) If someone misses the deadline set by the Authority, the application will be rejected due to formal reasons.


The applicant is obliged to present financial coverage, in other words present guarantee for the application; this is one of the basic prerequisites of being successful in application processes and getting assistance contracts. The best is to present bank guarantees, i.e. we have sufficient funds on our account to implement the project even without assistance, therefore we have sufficient funds available for self-contribution in the percentage required by the call.
It is important to understand that you can only apply if you have self-contribution, please keep this in mind!
There are other alternatives that provide a guarantee: e.g. mortgage on goods or on estates, absolute guarantees and promissory notes. The payment of the assistance - including the advance - can only be authorised if the guarantees are available in accordance with the above and with the assistance contract.


Special attention should be paid to the Application Guide with respect to the postal address or PO Box number where the application should be sent. The application should be posted as registered mail to the address provided. In most cases, the application should be submitted on a CD in one copy, it is very rare that a hardcopy format is requested. The date on the postal stamp marks the submission date of the document, the authority will take this date into account, not the arrival date of the letter.

Source: Piac & Profit, Aphrodite Papadopulu, expert, Brussels Centre, Application Consulting Centre