NFÜ National
Development Agency


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Cleaner and more accessible VOLT Festival 2 July 2012

There is no settlement in Hungary were the results of the government’s development policy could not be seen. Successful projects implemented within the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan (NSZP) are visible nationwide, and that is why the National Development Agency (NDA) appears at the VOLT Festival with ideas making the impacts of these projects on the population apparent also for the visitors. One of the most spectacular ideas is making the entire area of the Festival accessible for the disabled, the other is selective waste collection in the territory of the festival.

According to the latest statistics the number of disabled people now exceeds one billion. This exasperating figure is not any different in our country either. Based on the figures of the 2001 national census nearly six hundred thousand compatriots live with some physical or mental disability. That is why it is our common responsibility and interest to improve the conditions of our fellow human beings living with disabilities in order to allow them to contribute to the development of Hungary and enrich our values by fully utilising their talents. The National Development Agency is committed to promoting the issue of social equality and improving the quality of life for the disabled people by way of investments supported from development resources. It is further emphasised at VOLT Festival by making the entire territory of the festival accessible for the physically disabled. Moreover, from the NSZP’s accessible grandstand constructed in front of the main stage physically disabled people may enjoy the concerts as if sitting in a theatre box.

Environment protection has also become a central issue in the 21st century as by the way we live today we greatly influence the chances of future generations. Precisely that is why the New Széchenyi Plan gives priority to environment protection, which will be practiced together at VOLT Festival in cooperation with the visitors. It has a particular importance especially because the territory of the event is in the Sopron Landscape Protection Area, and under Natura 2000 protection. For this reason we support selective waste collection during the event for which we provide litterbags and an appropriate waste collection points as well. At the priority collection point set up at the NSZP campsite those helping to keep the festival clean and protect the environment receive valuable gifts, and a SZIGET day ticket is to be won every day.

In addition, the NSZP developments give priority to closing the digital development gap, which is made popular at the Festival by a Wi-Fi station. By the use of the free internet service available at the station also serving as a good meeting point visitors may continuously keep in touch with acquaintances and friends – even those who could not make it to the 20th VOLT Festival.