NFÜ National
Development Agency
Swiss Contribution


Infoline from Hungary:
06 40 638-638
Infoline from abroad:
+36-1-474-9180 (Hungarian only)

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Focus area 7/Objective 2

Grants up to 5,784 million CHF shall be available for projects falling within the priority area:


The types of eligible projects are the following:
- Joint research projects and institutional partnerships in applied research in the area of environmental technology (including energy issues) and health/life sciences;
- Sabbatical, academic exchange in the area of social science.

Joint Research Projects (JRP) shall enable scientists from Hungary to undertake jointly with scientists from Switzerland research activity. The objective is to strengthen excellent research teams in partner countries by contributing to the improvement of their working conditions.

Institutional Partnerships (IP) shall contribute to the further development and modernisation of institutional aspects of research and higher education. By improving the framework conditions for research and teaching, the participating institutions from Hungary should be enabled to enhance their attractiveness and competitiveness in the international scientific community.

All activities must be in line with the priority area determined above.

Call for proposals 1st loop was published by the National Development Agency on 3 November 2008, applications could be submitted until 30 January 2009.

Call for proposals (social sciences projects) 2nd loop was open until 15 November 2009. The two successful applicants further elaborated their plans and prepared their Final Project Proposals containing more details and background materials.

Call for proposals (natural science projects) 2nd loop was open until 28 February 2010. The six successful applicants further elaborated their plans and prepared their Final Project Proposals containing more details and background materials.

For the list of the approved projects please see „Related documents”.

For more information on the projects click please here.