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Evaluation of developments serving the Roma integration

The consortium of Pannon Elemző Iroda Kft. (Pannon Institute for Analyses Ltd.), HÉTFA Elemző Központ Kft. (HÉTFA Center for Analyses Ltd.) and Városkutatás Kft. (Metropolitan Research Institute Ltd.) was commissioned by the National Development Agency to carry out the „Evaluation of developments serving Roma integration”. The evaluation was conducted in the second half of 2011.

The key question of the evaluation was to find out which  factors and instruments or regulatory frameworks facilitate efficiently  and which ones may inhibit the achievement of the related goals formulated in the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies and the EU 2020 Strategy.

The evaluation has made suggestions on three levels i.e. on the level of development policy, on the level of measures and on the level of projects related to the current and the future programming period.