NFÜ National
Development Agency
Swiss Contribution


Infoline from Hungary:
06 40 638-638
Infoline from abroad:
+36-1-474-9180 (Hungarian only)

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Focus area 9

Security, Stability and Support for Reforms

The 9th focus area of the Framework Agreement had been laid down via Government Decree no. 66/2010. (III.18).

The aim is: „ To enhance public and border security and to improve working conditions (infrastructure and logistics) of security related institutions”.

Since the organisations that are allowed to fulfil tasks on the area are determined by the law, selection of projects is not managed via open call for proposals. According to Art. 2.1. of Annex 2 of the Framework Agreement between the Swiss Federal Council and the Government of Hungary concerning the implementation of the Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme declared by Government decree No. 348/2007. (XII.20.), projects favoured by the Government of Hungary had been identified.

Altogether 12 million CHF grant is allocated for the focus area, which is divided into a 2 million and a 10 million part.

2 million CHF allocation

The aim is to change the philosophy of the Hungarian police related to police work, to support the spreading of the concept of community policing, to strengthen public security and sense of self-security.

Call for proposals 1st loop was published by the National Development Agency on 16 July 2011, applications could be submitted until 15 August 2011.

In line with Government decree no. 1241/2011 (VII. 15.) the Ministry of Interior submitted an application for the first loop in August 2011 with the title “Multilevel Community Policing Network (MCPN) for the cooperation based crime prevention”.

Call for proposals 2nd loop was open from 30 September 2011 until 30 November 2011. The successful applicant further elaborated its plans and prepared its Final Project Proposal containing more details and background materials. For the data of the approved project please see. „Related files”.

10 million CHF allocation

The call for proposals had been announced in line with Government decree no. 1275/2011 (VIII. 10.) aiming to enhance public and border security and to improve working conditions (infrastructure and logistics) of security related institutions.

Call for proposals 1st loop was published by the National Development Agency on 22 August 2011, applications could be submitted until 21 September 2011.

In line with Government Decree no 1275/2011. (VIII. 10.) the Ministry of Interior and the Office of the National Council of Justice (presently National Office for the Judiciary) submitted an application for the first loop in September 2011.

Call for proposals 2nd loop was open from 15 December 2011 until 15 February 2012. The successful applicants further elaborated their plans and prepared their Final Project Proposals containing more details and background materials. For the list of the approved projects please see „Related files”.

For more information on the projects click here.