NFÜ National
Development Agency
Swiss Contribution


Infoline from Hungary:
06 40 638-638
Infoline from abroad:
+36-1-474-9180 (Hungarian only)

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Focus area 3

Grants up to 35,738 million CHF shall be available for projects falling within the priority area:


According to the Framework Agreement a minimum of 30% of the amount allocated to this thematic priority area shall be used for projects implemented in the regions of Northern Hungary and Northern Great Plain.

Projects of a minimum value of 5 million Swiss francs can be supported with particular attention given to the following objectives:

1.    To enhance municipal infrastructure services in order to increase living standards and promote economic development.
Types of eligible projects:
- Municipal water supply infrastructure and sustainable management of water production and distribution system.
- Waste management: Municipal solid waste management and hazardous waste management.

2.    To enhance public environmental monitoring capacities in order to reduce environmental pollution, increase living standards and promote sustainable economic development.
Types of eligible projects:
- Upgrading of environmental monitoring systems
- Supply of up-to-date environmental measuring equipment.

Call for proposals (1st loop) was published by the National Development Agency in July 2008; applications could be submitted until the deadline of 30 September 2008.

Call for proposals (2nd loop) was open from May 2009 till 1 December 2009. The six successful applicants further elaborated their plans and prepared their Final Project Proposals containing more details and background materials.

For the list of the approved projects please see „Related files”.

Among the six running projects four projects are dealing with „municipal water supply infrastructure and sustainable management of water production and distribution system”; the aim of two projects is „to enhance public environmental monitoring capacities”.

For more information on the projects please click here.