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126929 November 2012

In the course of the last few years 1269 healthcare institutions and organizations have been subjected to programs and developments concerning health issues, thanks to EU and national funds. The campaign which aims to demonstrate the achievements of the New Széchenyi Plan continues today in Szeged where Mr. Miklós Szócska, Secretary of State for Health, inaugurated an installation called "Wall Bars", and spoke about the giant number.

"What does this number indicate? It indicates health issue programs and developments in 1269 healthcare institutions and organizations that we can rightly be proud of" – said Mr. Miklós Szócska, the Secretary of State for Health. He added: "Owing to the New Széchenyi  Plan the development and modernization of healthcare is continuous, despite of the economic crisis. Due to the improvements realized in the healthcare system throughout the country with EU funds the quality of healthcare and the working conditions of the healthcare workers is consistently improving. Everyone may consider the realized investments, developments and programs as their own achievements, because the numbers that symbolize the results could only grow giant due to the large number of smaller, local performances."

The overall amount of the support is close to HUF 60 billion. This amount primarily served the renewal of the healthcare system and the improvement of the human resource situation of the health sector. But resources were also allocated to such goals as health improvement and health preservation, research, promotion of development and innovation, and even to the effective use of energy and the use of renewable energy sources.

Among the 1296 projects we can find several hundred healthcare developments carried out by private doctors, private medical practices, small and medium size enterprises, as well as state and local government investments.

At the event Mr. László B. Nagy, government officer of Csongrád County emphasized: "In the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan more than 6800 projects have received support in the Southern Lowlands region, in the value of HUF.800 billion. According to the latest government decision HUF 46.7 billion are allocated to developments in the tourism industry – 6 such projects will be realized in the South Lowlands region, for more than HUF 9 billion. As part of this investment the Dom of Szeged and the National Heritage Park in  Ópusztaszer will receive a facelift and new displays".

The "Wall Bars" installation represents the common successes, the measures introduced in the interest of the continuously improving quality of healthcare – emphasized Mr. Nándor Csepreghy, the communication manager of the National Development Agency, on the second site of the Giant Numbers campaign. He added: "Next week we are going to visit Pécs and Debrecen, then Győr and Miskolc, and Budapest will be the last location. We will inaugurate similarly distinctive space installations in these towns as well, representing that our success is the success of our country."