NFÜ National
Development Agency


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MAG Zrt. takes over the management of SROP, EAOP (EKOP, ÁROP) and some ROP tenders of the New Széchenyi Plan22 November 2012

From 29th of July 2012 upon the Government Regulation 176/2012 MAG -Hungarian Economic Development Zrt. as successor of Váti Nonprofit Kht. takes over the management of the tenders in New Széchenyi Plan. With this measure MAG Zrt. will manage the State Reform Operative Programme, the Electronic Public Administration Operative Programme and the Regional Operative Programme's calls administered by Váti so far. The objectives of the appointment of the new intermediary body are: development of services, making transit time of project proposals shorter and making the global proposal system more effective.

Management of the proposals will be continuous during transfer process, the intermediary body will give answers to the questions of the customers within 3 working days. From 1st of August 2012 customers may request information and assistance in connection with their projects on the following e-mail address and telephone number:

E-mail support:
Telephone Customer Service: 06 40200-617

MAG - Hungarian Economic Development was founded by the Hungarian Development Bank in 2006, the new company integrated the organizations involved in the field of economic development into a united, efficient organization. In 2010 MAG was the first to manage the New Széchenyi Plan tenders with renewed organization and streamlined processes, in 2010 they introduced the only project partner system, formed the New Széchenyi Plan InfoPont network of services nationwide, and undertook services in new development policy areas. With receiving the SROP, EAOP and some ROP programs the intermediary body’s scope of activity was significantly expanded in 2012.