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Development Agency


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683 billion 5 December 2012

During the current programming period, business investments in the value of about HUF 683 billion were implemented from EU funds and own resources. Owing to the New Széchenyi Plan more than 12,500 developments could be completed in Hungary - pointed out Dr. Áron Lenner Dr. Áron Lenner Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry for National Economy at the Győr station of the Giant Numbers campaign. The National Development Agency draws attention to this result with the creation named "Urban periscope" presented at the New Széchenyi Plan event.

The deputy state secretary also noted that in the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan 9562 business development investments are currently being under way, with a total cost of around HUF 720 billion. In relation to the total number of the projects, the proportion of the supported micro-enterprises reached 46%, while for the small enterprises this number is 39%, and for medium-sized enterprises 13%. Overall, taking into account the distribution of the number of the projects, the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises account for 98% of the completed developments. In connection with this fact Áron Lenner also pointed out that the Government supports those who can and want to work. "We create real opportunities the use which does not depend on good fortune, relationships and chance" - he added.

In recent years more than 5,150 applications received support in the Western Transdanubian region, in the amount of more than HUF 541 billion. The region gained momentum with the launch of the New Széchenyi Plan: from 14 January 2011 more than 2,300 applications were found worthy of support. At the event Ákos Radnóti, Finance Committee Chairman of Győr said: "The city of Győr devotes a significant part of its budget to developments, but even a prosperous settlement like Gyor finds it very helpful to receive funds from proposals. Therefore Győr is seeking to take advantage of every opportunity provided by the New Széchenyi Plan. In recent times we brought significant amounts to our city for issues in connection with the beautification of downtown, urban regeneration, or even areas in relation to the developments of tourism."

We should mention, however, a few of the region's most outstanding developments, namely the modernization of the Sopron-Szombathely-Szentgotthárd railway line with a total cost of HUF 46 billion, the 30-billion Danube project, and the call for application for the implementation of infrastructural background for regional logistics services in the area of business development in Győr. Ákos Radnóti added that there are a large number of businesses across the country that at one point in the course of their operation made investments with EU funds that resulted in further investments, thus stimulating the economy. Gyor enjoys considerable economic power, and this kind of stability is due to the well-established businesses, large companies for the development of which it is important that they be able to get funds from proposals.

The objective of the installation named "Urban periscope" is to represent one of the giant numbers, namely HUF 683 billion, which flowed into the Hungarian economy through the proposals of the New Széchenyi Plan – said Nándor Csepreghy, communications manager of the National Development Agency. The spokesman stressed that the creation – made by Péter Pozsár, Maxim Bakos and Gergely Kukucska artists – depicts the awarded grants with three-dimensional bar graphs which also function as periscopes so that we can look into our future successes.