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Developments in the value of nearly HUF 46 and a half billion may be implemented in the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan 6 December 2012

Opportunities will open up to support more than 420 applications in the thematic areas of economy development, environment protection, transport, education and social issues. Owing to the projects to be realized investments with a total value of nearly HUF 46 and a half billion may be implemented in Hungary.

In accordance with the government decision 1403/2012 several hundred applications – previously put on a reserve list because of a lack of funding – may be granted assistance in 28 grant schemes in the framework of the Regional Operational Programmes. The New Széchenyi Plan supports the implementation of the developments with the amount of HUF 30 billion in the thematic areas of economy, environment protection, transport and human services.

In the thematic area of economic development grants in the value of more than HUF 12.1 billion are going to be allocated country-wide. The grants will give opportunity for the development of the premises of small and medium-sized enterprises, thus boosting local production and labour market. Besides, supporting installations in the industry will hopefully help to keep the jobs and create new ones in the regions. 

In accordance with the government decision all the applications - submitted in response to the call for applications titled "Development of micro enterprises" launched at the beginning of February in the Central Hungarian region – which met the professional criteria, but were put on the reserve list so far, were awarded with grants. This altogether means a total of 73 applications with a funding of HUF 600 million.

Applications from the reserve list have also been supported in the framework of two more calls for applications titled: "Support of enterprises' complex technological innovations" and "Support to use of innovative results for SMEs". 29 projects have been supported with the amount of HUF 2 billion, and 74 with HUF 1.19 billion, respectively. As a whole, in the Central Hungarian region a total of 176 enterprises benefited from about HUF 3.8 billion in grants.

In the Southern Great Plain, Southern Transdanubia and Central Transdanubia region a total of HUF 6.2 billion worth of environmental improvements can take place. Due to this fact, opportunities open up for the settlements to develop long-overdue flood protection systems, protecting the population’s values from the dangers of sudden downpours and inland waters, which in recent years have caused considerable damage. The stabilization of crumbling river walls will also take place with HUF 3.8 billion grants, and it will also contribute significantly to the protection of the values of the people and the environment.

Support will also be provided to kindergartens, nurseries and non-governmental organizations country-wide in the amount of HUF 3.4 billion, and another HUF 2.5 billion worth of investments will be implemented for building bicycle lane networks.