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The Government has supported the healthcare with HUF 300 billion so far in the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan15 January 2013

In the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan more than HUF 300 billion in EU and national support was provided for healthcare institutions in Hungary – Nándor Csepreghy, Deputy State Secretary Responsible for Development Programmes announced on Friday at the announcement of the results of the drawing competition of the National Development Agency (NDA). The event took place in the Saint John’s Hospital in Budapest.

As part of the Huge Figures Campaign introducing the European Union development results on 24th August the NDA announced a drawing competition in Szeged. The objective of the drawing competition entitled “Healing Hungary” was for the children to show how they imagine the hospital of the future, a welcoming infirmary and the doctors’ work.

In the award ceremony Nándor Csepreghy said that the Government granted HUF 23.7 billion for the development of eight hospitals, while in the country 93 hospital projects received HUF 173.6 billion in funding. The explanation for the significant difference of the Budapest and the rural figures is that in accordance with the European Union regulations primarily the lagging regions can receive EU support and Budapest and Pest County are eligible for less resources.  Across the country in total 439 healthcare investments received more than HUF 300 billion EU and state support. The Deputy State Secretary highlighted as an example that the number of professionals at the Saint John’s Hospital was also successfully increased from EU resources, as a result of which the efficiency of treatment has remarkably improved, furthermore the  development of the institution’s special care centre for premature babies at the institute is still in progress.

In the framework of the NDA’s drawing competition nearly 2000 creations were submitted, out of which a jury led by Judit Halász, the singer, selected the three most beautiful works, but in addition to this votes could be submitted on the Internet as well, as a result of which the winners could also receive valuable prizes.

The Audience Award was given to the eight-year-old Panna Szűcs, her prize was a family pass to the Zemplén Adventure Park. Based on the votes of the jury the most beautiful drawing was submitted by Luca Zsófia Takács thus she can enjoy an unforgettable family weekend at the Colosseum Hotel.

Following the award ceremony held in the hospital, young people staying in the children’s ward could watch a Christmas Show and received small gifts from the Agency for the upcoming Christmas.

From the countless amazing creations the most beautiful ones were given as gift to Saint John’s Hospital and now decorate the walls of the infants’ and children’s ward.